Thursday, October 10, 2019

New goats coming soon! :-) :-)

I am SO excited, and I have a good right to be!!! :-)
Now you are probably thinking, "Why?!" "What's going on!?"
Okay, I will tell you in just a minute, but I have a few new updates first...

So, a few days ago, I decided to sell my very loud, attacking geese to kevan, he wanted them SO bad, because he wanted to breed them and sell them like I wanted too, but It was better than selling them at the auction, because I really still like them just a little bit!
I was going to keep 1 male and 2 girls, but than I just decided that it would be better to just sell them all. SO. I sold them for $160 to kevan, and now you are REALLY probably wondering WHY I did that, Well, because I decided I wanted to buy a couple more goats, A registered Nubian buck, and a registered Alpine doe. Oh yes, did I forget the fun part? "The doe is already bred!" :-)
she is going to kid early march, So I am not in a huge rush to buy her, but the buck, yes.
I would still like to breed velvet, and buying my own buck is so much less of a hassle than taking her 3 hrs away to a Nubian dairy buck near the ocean! Yea, I was almost going to do that, but it didn't work out.

I am having a Dairy herd, because I am going to make lots of cheese, butter, Fresh pasteurized goat milk, heavy whipping cream, and maybe goat milk soap! I saw that idea from "Showers of Blessings" :-)
I really love her blog!
you can see it below,

 These are some bucks I found that interest me.
Which one do you like the best? :-)
The brown and white, or the spotted black and white?

And below, (the black and white one)
is the color of the doe I am interested in. :)

                                                                      Job 12:7-10 

7"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; 8or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. 9Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? 10In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind

Ellie R.


  1. At least you'll still get to see your geese. ;-) Sounds like you have a lot of plans for your goats.

  2. Thankyou Lilly, for commenting! And yes, Many, MANY plans! :-)

  3. Great job! Your really getting to be quite the animal dealer😝
