Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Update on my "Geese."

So, as you all know, I received 10 Chinese geese a few months ago.
well, as they are now 5 times as big as they were, I have to say, they are not "nice" to anyone but me. why? well, they learned I'm boss and they know to respect me, but anyone else...well they go after.. :(
I have named them all and my mom is always wondering how I can even tell them apart, because they are all the exact same color! It is all quite simple though, I go by tallest and quiet, to loud, annoying females...

First, it is "Uncle Waldo" (from the Disney Aristocats, the three geese)
then my second male is "Mr. Honkers"
then the first female is "Emelia gabble" (Disney Aristocats)
the second is "Abigale gabble" (Disney Aristocats)
the third female is "Mrs. Lucy Goosy"
the fourth female is "Subrina"
the fifth female is "Kate" or "cuteykaty" (as she is the smallest and cutest of them all)
the sixth female is "Maybelle" (who is defiantly a piercing belle in your poor ears)

So I have a grand total of 6 girls and two boys, a perfect ratio of geese!

they are all very special, but sometimes make me angry when they turn over chicken waterers, and finding a way to escape to get to the porches and mess them all up...
But anyway they should be hatching their own baby goslings in April so I am REALLY looking forward to that, so all the baby geese will pay for all the precious food I have been feeding them...
So here are some pictures of my "Huge!" geese.

pic 2. "Uncle Waldo"

Ellie R.


  1. Cute names! Nice photos, Ellie!

  2. Well, it appears that we were ALL WRONG about the female to male ratio last spring. This is GREAT news! Bet you are happy. see you soon!

    1. Yes I am very happy! :-) I just have to figure out how to stop them from getting out, and eating all the chicken food... but 6 girls is perfect! and 2 boys is plenty! see you soon!
