Tuesday, September 24, 2019

"Velvets Tricks..."

Here is a video of velvets cute tricks I taught her as a baby. she knows them very well, and sometimes goes around "shaking" peoples hands for crackers. and yes. she gets a piece of a cracker every single time. "Lol!"

This is her "shake," and "up." we are still working on it though. :-)

She also knows, "Velvet come here!"
well, sometimes, if she "feels" like she "wants" a cracker.

Update on the goats:

Velvet is now 92pounds, and a little bigger than her pasture pal Nellie, who is about 2 years, (Kevan looked at Nellies teeth. I guess.)

She is almost 7 1/2 months, so I am fattening her up a little more before I breed her next month...
I guess it all depends on the weight of the goat, and Nellie had twins at just 80pounds, so I hope Velvet will at least have twins. :) but if not, that's alright too.

Kevan keeps bugging me that velvet is big enough right now to be bred, but I am like, "who wants baby goats born in the freezing cold winter, instead of the warm, grassy spring?"
But we are all very much looking forward to cute and cuddly baby goats!

If you are wondering what happen to Coffee, (my wether,) I sold him at an auction and got top price for him. one hundred dollars to be exact. usually wethers sell for less than 60 at an auction. So who knows why I got that much! (probably because he was so cute, and friendly. I can just picture him going straight up to the person waving the flag at him, and start chewing on his clothes. Lol, that's one of the reasons I sold him in the first place. Especially after he ate 2 inches of my sisters hair, a few months back.

Velvet 7 months ago, and now...


  1. Very nice-looking goat. Very cute tricks!

  2. Cute! I'll have to watch the video later. I hope you'll post a bit more about you and your animals. :-)
